Gay Internet politics are weird and kooky. The mode is 24/7 distemper and disappointment. Even victories are dismissed with historical analysis that have zilch connection with actual history.
Take yesterday’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” deal brokered at the White House. Sure it’s a compromise. There are thresholds that need to be met, and the Defense Department’s study still gets to be completed by December; however, repeal is official policy. I’ll say that again. The repeal of DADT is official policy. The question now focuses on when, not if.
Still think Obama sold us out and is no different from your standard Malawi judge? Fine. Here is the Palm Center’s director Aaron Belkin in a press release.
“For the past seventeen years, every expert who has studied this policy has emphasized that dismantling it [DADT] would require leadership. Leadership is what the President showed today.”
Want to accuse Belkin of being an Obama stooge? What about this line from the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network?
“The White House announcement is a dramatic breakthrough in dismantling ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ The path forward crafted by the President, Department of Defense officials, and repeal leaders on Capitol Hill respects the ongoing work by the Pentagon on how to implement open service and allows for a vote this week,” said SLDN’s executive director Aubrey Sarvis. “President Obama’s support and Secretary Gates’ buy-in should insure a winning vote, but we are not there yet. The votes still need to be worked and counted.”
That last sentence is for you. You want DADT to be a relic like military segregation? Well it’s time to give Congress a call. Why? Because the approved proposal is an amendment to the annual defense spending bill.
I’ll make it real easy for you. Here is contact information for U.S. senators and representatives.