Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Elle to replace Ms. Sophia

Elle Duncan, the V-103 mid-day host the past 16 months, is moving to the Frank and Wanda show starting June 14.

Entertainment correspondent/sidekick Miss Sophia recently ended his/her run there after four-plus years. Duncan will do some entertainment but will also provide more insight into sports, something she really enjoys and has been lacking on the morning show, said V-103 General Manager Rick Caffey.
She will also do the pre-game report for the Falcons, which airs on sister station 92.9/Dave FM.
“I’m really honored they even thought of me, that they appreciate what I’ve been doing,” she said.
Duncan, at age 27, will also inject a much younger viewpoint into a show with two leads in their 40s.
“I’m someone dealing with the ups and downs of navigating her mid-to-late 20s, figuring out what they want,” she said.

I love Elle but will deeply miss Sophia!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday Wonder


Celebrating 11 Years

Gay Parent Magazine:

Gay Parent magazine (GPM) is a 16 - 34 page bound newsprint magazine featuring personal stories of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) parents from across the country and around the world. Parents speak candidly about their experiences with international and domestic adoption, foster care, donor insemination, using a surrogate and what it is like to raise their children in their part of the world.

Gay Parent magazine - New York is published annually every May. GPM - NY is distributed and focuses on LGBT families in the NY tri-state (NY, NJ and CT) area.

GPM provides resources on gay-friendly private schools, day and overnight camps, and gay-friendly family vacation ideas. Resources also include family building such as reproductive technology, adoption and foster care agencies. Book reviews, news, activities, and events pertaining to LGBT parents and their children are features. On this site view sample articles, gay-friendly advertisers, advertising rate information, support groups, and order a subscription or back issue

Tijuana to host first Gay Festival

Tijuana Hosting Its First Gay Festival

The border city of Tijuana, Mexico, is preparing for its first LGBT festival. Planners are expecting 10,000 people to assemble in downtown Tijuana June 19 and 20 for the festival, which will include dancing, food, and seminars on gay and transgender rights. The theme of the event is "Inclución en Revolución" ("Inclusion in/for Revolution"). "Raising the profile of the GLBT community can be leveraged into raising the quality of life for the entire population of Tijuana and Baja California," Sean Zullo, executive director of Choices Baja, the festival's organizer, said in a press release. "In addition, staging such a binational event is an opportunity to bridge broken relationships between the Tijuana-San Diego communities, as well as generally improving U.S.-Mexico relations." Tijuana

Finding Me Truth Snippet

The new Miss Gay USofA 2010-2011

Miss Domonique Sanchez
Congrats to you and I wish you all the luck during your reign!!!!!!

Larry for GaGA

Arrested for Gay Marriage