Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tijuana to host first Gay Festival

Tijuana Hosting Its First Gay Festival

The border city of Tijuana, Mexico, is preparing for its first LGBT festival. Planners are expecting 10,000 people to assemble in downtown Tijuana June 19 and 20 for the festival, which will include dancing, food, and seminars on gay and transgender rights. The theme of the event is "Inclución en Revolución" ("Inclusion in/for Revolution"). "Raising the profile of the GLBT community can be leveraged into raising the quality of life for the entire population of Tijuana and Baja California," Sean Zullo, executive director of Choices Baja, the festival's organizer, said in a press release. "In addition, staging such a binational event is an opportunity to bridge broken relationships between the Tijuana-San Diego communities, as well as generally improving U.S.-Mexico relations." Tijuana

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