Thursday, January 13, 2011

Birds Death is caused by Don't Ask Don't Tell? REALLY?

 If you're like most Americans, you've probably recently been worried about the mass bird die-offs that made the news this year, fretted about signs and portents for a day or two, and eventually calmed down after you heard from scientists that such events aren't that unusual, it's just that we've only now started to really tweet our feelings about these things with other people.

But there remain dissenting opinions on the matter, such as the one offered by Cindy Jacobs, that these mass avian deaths are actually being caused by the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell." Now this is just plain dumb?"

A Year in Review

A look back at all of the Accomplishments we've made in the LGBT community in 2010:

Kids and Gender Roles

One of my favorite youtube couple and their kids. I don't know why I like these folks but watch this interesting video:

Hillary Clinton Still Opposed to Gay Marriage

Current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently told the Advocate that while her husband might have recently changed his opinion about gay marriage, she made sure the magazine knew that “I have not changed my position.” AKA, Hillary Clinton still opposes gay marriage. She wouldn’t elaborate on the subject, so it’s anyone’s guess as to why she’s opposed to prejudice but just fine not supporting marriage equality.

(Well at least her husband in on the band wagon..hopefully he can shed some light on the subject with her and eventually change her mind)

Gay Marriage in Ireland

Beginning today Ireland will recognize same-sex marriages and civil unions performed abroad. However those married in other countries will have their relationships "downgraded" to civil partnerships upon arrival in Ireland.

Unions from 27 countries or states will be recognised; 17 of which currently give gay couples the right to marry. Couples will be automatically considered as civil partners and will not need to register. Brian Sheehan of the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network said: “Same-sex couples who have already celebrated their relationships and made formal commitments to each other by having a civil marriage or civil partnership in another country will today have those relationships recognised in Ireland. This recognition will provide significant protections for these couples.”